Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Truth Hurts

Posted at the Big Pharoah:

Uhm. Profiling works. Men over 60 are more likely to have a heart attack than anyone else; smokers are more likely to have lung cancer; young men with long hair and glazed eyes are more likely to smoke marijuana; Muslims are more likely to explode. Ignoring this is stupid.

Comment by The Raccoon — August 31, 2006 @ 1:18 am

Monday, August 28, 2006


Congratulations - Georgia - LLWS Champions

Congratulations to the Columbus, GA Little League Team. They outlasted Japan 2-1 to win the rain postponed World Championship game on Monday.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


College Football Pool

For anyone interested I am running a college football pool for bragging rights at

The Pool name is Valhalla
Pool ID Asgard
Password Gungnir

Does anyone know the signifigance of those?

Update: Valhalla - heaven for Vikings
Asgard - home of Odin
Gungnir - Odin's spear


Fox Reporters Hostage Update

Fox is reporting that its two employees, Centanni and Wiig are alive according to the Palestinian authorities. And some reportage is suggesting that they may be released within hours.

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